Dalam artikel ini saya dapet pas blogwalking, dimana kita mendaftar akan semua kesemua Direktori Feed yang mana kita dapat mempublikasikan blogger kita untuk secara gratis. Kita juga harus registrasi untuk Jasa layanan ping tsb yang kamu dapat menggunakan ke jasa ping tersebut kapan saja untuk update/membaharui Blog mu. Ini perlu untuk membantu peningkatan dari artikel baru-mu dan menarik lebih pembaca ke Blog mu. Seperti daftar sedang ever-growing, kamu mungkin ingin pertimbangkan petunjuk halaman-halaman ini sebagai kita akan membaharui daftar kapan saja. Tujuan-nya sih untuk mensosialisasikan blogger dan meningkatkan traffic lebih cepat.
Indeks dari Pos artikel kita, yang manapun secara ringkas membentuk atau penuh, tergantung pada Pengaturan-kita. Ini adalah Alamat Blog Feed. Kita dapat meng-add yang manapun ke Direktori-Feed yang kita daftarkan di bawah ini. Jika kita mempunyai syndicated Feeds kepada lain jasa seperti Feedburner, maka dapat menyampaikan bahwa dengan Feed URL juga. Untuk mengkonfirmasikan apakah URL mu benar, dapet dilihat pada RSS Feed Validator.
Submit Blog Feed kita kedalam Feed Directories (maap tanpa link, takut link farm HeHeHe)
1. General
4Guys from Rolla - For resource RSS feeds - http://4guysfromrolla.aspin.com/func/addres/rss?cob=4guysfromrolla.
ASP Index - For resource RSS feeds - http://www.aspin.com/func/addres/rss-support
Blo.gs - http://blo.gs/ping.php
BlogDigger - http://www.blogdigger.com/add.jsp
Bloglines - http://www.bloglines.com/
Blogz - http://www.sarthak.net/blogz/add.php
Bloogz - http://www.bloogz.com/
Chordata - Register to submit RSS feed in relevant category - http://chordata.info/suggest.php.
Daypop - For news sites : http://www.daypop.com/info/submit.htm.
DayTimeNews - http://www.daytimenews.com/submit-rss-feed.aspx
DevASP - http://www.devasp.com/search/AddRSS.asp
Feed24 - http://www.feed24.com/?c=add
FeedAge - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.feedage.com/myfeedage/login.php
FeedBase - http://www.feedbase.net/Add.php
FeedBomb - Select a category to submit RSS feed - http://www.feedbomb.com/
FeedBlitz - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.feedblitz.com/
FeedBurner - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/home
FeedCat - Register to submit feed in relevant category - http://www.feedcat.net/login/
Feed-Directory - http://www.feed-directory.com/addfeed
FeedDirectory - http://www.feeddirectory.us/directory/submitrss.php
FeedFury - http://feedfury.com/submit
Feedmap - http://www.feedmap.net/BlogMap/submit.aspx
Feedooyoo - Submit RSS feeds and keywords - http://www.feedooyoo.com/ref.htm
FeedPlex - http://www.feedplex.com/add-url.php?email=
Feeds2Read - http://feeds2read.net/Suggest-A-Feed
Feeds4All - http://www.feeds4all.com/NewFeed.aspx
FeedFarm – For news related RSS feeds - http://www.feedsfarm.com/a.html
Findory - http://www.findory.com/submit-blog
FreeRSS - http://free-rss.page2go2.com/rss-add.html
FreshPodcasts - For podcasts - http://www.freshpodcasts.com/xmlrpc/client.php
GeneCast - Register to submit your news feeds - http://www.genecast.com/news/create.jsp
GoldenFeed [Update: error message when adding feed] - http://www.goldenfeed.com/AddFeed.aspx
IceRocket - http://www.icerocket.com/c?p=addblog
JordoMedia - http://www.jordomedia.com/RSS/l_op=Addrss.html
MoreOver - http://w.moreover.com/
NewzAlert.com - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.newzalert.com/AuthorCenter/
nFeeds - http://www.nfeeds.com/submit.php
Octora - http://www.octora.com/add_rss.php
Odeo - Register to submit RSS feed - http://odeo.com/
Plazoo - http://www.plazoo.com/en/addrss.asp
Postami - http://www.postami.com/rss.finder/submit_feed.php
ReadABlog [Update: error message when adding feed] - http://www.readablog.com/AddFeed.aspx
RedTram - http://www.redtram.com/pages/addsource/
RocketInfo - http://reader.rocketinfo.com/desktop/AddRSSFeed.jsp
Rojo - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.rojo.com/
RSSFeed - Register to submit RSS feed - http://www.rss-feed.org/
RSSFeeds - http://www.rssfeeds.com/suggest_wizzard.php
RSSKnip - Add RSS feed at the bottom. [Update: not accepting new feeds] - http://www.rss-clipping.com/
RSSMad - RSS feed submission at bottom right - http://www.rssmad.com/
RSSMicro - http://www.rssmicro.com/?m=fs
RSSMotron - http://www.rssmotron.com/feed_submission.php
RSSNetwork [Update: error message when adding feed] - http://www.rss-network.com/submitrss.php
Search4RSS - http://www.search4rss.com/?add=default
Sourceforge - For news feeds - http://ngoid.sourceforge.net/sub_rss.php
Syndic8 - http://www.syndic8.com/suggest_start.php
Technorati - http://www.technorati.com/ping
TheFeedDirectory [Update: unable to add feed] - http://www.thefeeddirectory.com/p/Add-A-Feed___255.html
Videocast - For videocast or vodcast - http://www.videocasting-station.com/submitrss.php
WeBlogALot - http://www.weblogalot.com/Ping/
2. Specific
Nooked - For corporate feeds only - http://dir.nooked.com/submit.dir?action=Start
Educational Feeds - For educational podcasts and RSS feeds - http://www.educational-feeds.com/submitrss.php
Finance Investing Feeds - For finance or investment related RSS feeds - http://www.finance-investing.com/submitrss.php
Government Feeds - Only for feeds from local and federal government agencies - http://www.government-central.com/submitrss.php
Medical Feeds - For medical care or health related RSS feeds - http://www.medical-feeds.com/submitrss.php
National Lib for Health - For medical and health RSS feeds - http://www.library.nhs.uk/rss/Directory/submitFeed.aspx
Political Feeds - For political podcasts and RSS feeds - http://www.political-humor.net/submitrss.php
Realty Feeds - For home related RSS feeds in the appropriate category - http://www.realty-feeds.net/submitrss.php
Religious Podcasts - For podcasts relating to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs - http://www.religious-podcasts.net/submitrss.php
Science Port - For scientific news feeds - http://scienceport.org/index.php?show=add&PID=
Security Protection Feeds - For security or protection related RSS feeds - http://www.security-protection.net/submitrss.php
Sports Feeds - For sports related podcasts and RSS feeds - http://www.sports-feeds.com/submitrss.php
3. Regional
31engine - Japanese RSS feeds - http://31engine.com/
Bakeinu - Japanese RSS feeds - http://bakeinu.jp/
Bitacoras - Spanish blogs - http://bitacoras.com/
Bitacoles - Spanish RSS feeds - http://www.bitacoles.net/ferping.htm
Blogblogs - Brazilian blogs - http://blogblogs.com.br/
Blogbot - Danish RSS feeds - http://blogbot.dk/
Blogg - German RSS feeds - http://www.blogg.de/
BlogPeople - Japanese RSS feeds - http://www.blogpeople.net/
Blog-search - Japanese blogs - http://blog-search.net/
Blogstyle - Japanese RSS feeds - http://www.blogstyle.jp/
Feeds.com.br - Portuguese RSS feeds - http://www.feeds.com.br/index.php?ax=add
RSS Israel - Israeli RSS feeds - http://www.rssfeeds.co.il/addfeed.php
RSS Nachrichten - German RSS feeds - http://rss-eintragen.rss-nachrichten.de/
RSS Verzeichnis - German RSS feeds - http://www.rss-verzeichnis.de/anmelden.php
Technorati.jp - Japanese version of Technorati - http://technorati.jp/
Veneblogs - Venezuela blogs - http://veneblogs.com/
Weblogues - French RSS feeds - http://www.weblogues.com/
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