Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Missing or Corrupt c:\windows\system32\config\system

The best option here would be to conduct what is called the "repair install", where only the basic and essential system files are replaced without making any other files or folders. When booting from the installation disk you choose the first option to start this facility, where fast and the installer should ask if you want to repair your current installation. This is a quick way to fix damage and / pr missing system files with the preservation of data. This also require the relocation of some programs as well as Service Pack 2 if not included with the installation disk. The other, but not the best advice is the start of the manual XP system restoration process in the recovery of the console. However, the instructions in the following article : is the better method over a limited.
Use of the system restore using the MS instructions found at :;en-us;304449&sd=tech

1. Insert CD`s Bootable Windows XP

2. Then choose --> Repair "r"

3. Select drive you want repair --> 1: c:\windows (enter)

4. Goto folder : c:\windows\system32\config\
then :
rename c:\windows\system32\config\system system.bad
rename c:\windows\system32\config\software software.bad

5. And then go to c:\windows\repair
copy file "system" and "software" to --> c:\windows\system32\config\
c:\windows\repair\>copy system c:\windows\system32\config\
c:\windows\repair\>copy software c:\windows\system32\config\

6. Remove CD Boottable from CD-Drive

7. Exit and done

Analysis Tools Your Mobile Phone

It may be difficult to determine the exact meaning of the various sequences of digits. With our simple online analysis tools that can now find all there is to know about worldwide telephone numbers, numbers of the network IMSI, IMEI code, telephone SIM card numbers, as well as international codes Signaling Point.    International Numbering Plans

Check Your Mobile :
Phone number analysis
IMSI number analysis
IMEI number analysis
SIM number analysis
ISPC number analysis

Code Mobile Phone / Handphone


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#0000# Menampilkan versi firmware.
3. *#9999# Merupakan alternatif jika kode *#0000# tidak berfungsi.
4. *#8110# Menampilkan versi firmware (Nokia 8110).
5. *#21# Melihat pengalihan untuk semua panggilan ‘All calls’.
6. **21*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan.
7. **61*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab.
8. **67*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika sedang sibuk.
9. *#61# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena tidak dijawab ‘Call divert’.
10. *#62# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena diluar jangkauan ‘Call divert’ dan mengetahui kemana nomor tersebut dialihkan.
11. *#67# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena sibuk ‘Call divert’ dan mengetahui kemana nomor tersebut dialihkan.
12. *#2820# Menampilkan alamat IP Bluetooth.
13. *#30# Menampilkan nomor pribadi.
14. *#43# Melihat status ‘Call waiting’.
15. *#62209526# atau *#MACOWLAN Menampilkan alamat MAC WLAN.
16. *#67705646# Mengganti operator logo (tipe 3310, 3330).
17. *#73# Mereset timer ponsel dan skor game.
18. *#746025625# Menampilkan status SIM Clock. Jika ponsel anda mendukung fungsi power saving akan muncul tulisan “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, itu berarti anda bisa mendapatkan waktu terbaik untuk standby.
19. *#7370# atau *#RESO# Mereset ke setingan awal (pabrikan), data-data akan terhapus
20. *#7760# Menampilkan kode pabrik/produk.
21. *#7780# atau *#rst0* Mereset ke setingan awal (pabrikan), data-data tidak akan terhapus.
22. *#92702689# atau *#war0anty# Menampilkan nomor serial, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal terakhir servis (000 jika belum pernah diperbaiki) dan transfer user data. Pada beberapa ponsel setelah menggunakan kode ini anda harus merestart ponsel.
23. *#2640# Menampilkan kode pengamanan ponsel.
24. *#3370# Mengaktifkan EFR (Full Rate Codec), kualitas suara terbaik namun pemakaian baterai menjadi boros.
25. #3370# Untuk menonaktifkan EFR.
26. *#4720# Mengaktifkan Half Rate Codec, kualitas suara terendah namun pemakaian baterai menjadi lebih hemat.
27. #4720# Untuk menonaktifkan Half Rate Codec.
28. 10# Cara cepat untuk membuka nomor kontak yang tersimpan di kartu SIM berdasarkan nomor urut. Contoh angka 10 adalah nomor urut kontak.
29. #pw+1234567890+1# Mengunci status provider, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”.
30. #pw+1234567890+1# Mengunci status provider, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”.
31. #pw+1234567890+2# Mengunci status network, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”.
32. #pw+1234567890+3# Mengunci status country, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”.
33. #pw+1234567890+4# Mengunci status kartu SIM, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”.

Sony Ericsson

1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#0000# atau 0000 Mereset kembali ke bahasa inggris.
3. >*<<*<* Melihat service menu dan versi software. Tekan tombol Yes berulang kali untuk melihat semua data software dan tekan > untuk melihat semua teks yang terdapat pada ponsel.
4. <**< Untuk mengunci SIM Card agar tidak bisa mengganti SIM Card. Untuk membukanya dengan unlock code.
5. *<<* Mengunci layanan provider.
6. **04*0000*0000*0000# Mengakses ponsel tanpa SIM Card.
7. 0# Melihat nomor terakhir yang ditelepon.


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#303# OK Mengubah ke bahasa inggris.
3. *#300# OK Menampilkan versi software (SW and HW Version).
4. *#301# OK Test keypad.
5. 1234 OK Kode default ponsel.
6. *#311# OK Merubah kode ponsel default.
7. ***113*1* OK Net Monitor ON.
8. **113*1* OK Net Monitor OFF.
9. *#304# OK Set Off engineering mode.
10. *#304*1998072# OK Set On engineering mode.
11. *#307* OK Engineering test mode.
12. *#400# OK ADC call val.
13. 19980722 OK Master unlock code for phone and sim lock.
14. *#0000# OK Setting and restore.
15. *#402# OK Contrast
16. *#305# OK Location 1


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#9999# atau *#9998*9999# Menampilkan versi software.
3. *#9999# atau *#9998*8888# Menampilkan versi hardware.
4. *#9998*76# Menampilkan nomor produksi.
5. *#9998*288# atau *#0288# Mengecek status baterai.
6. *#0246# atau *#0377# Menampilkan kapasitas ruang penyimpanan / memori.
7. *#9998*782# atau *#0782# Menampilkan tanggal dan waktu alarm.
8. *#8999*638# Menampilkan informasi jaringan telepon.
9. *#9998*523# atau *#0523# Mengatur kontras layar.
10. *#8999*5646# Mengubah logo operator.
11. *#0289# Tes ringtone.
12. *#9998*842# atau *#0842# Tes vibrate.
13. *#9998*289# atau *#0289# Mengubah suara alarm.
14. *#9998*746# atau *#0746# Melihat informasi kartu SIM
15. *2767*2878# Mengunci ponsel.
16. *2767*3855# Mereset memori, jangan lupa mencabut kartu SIM.
17. *#0324# Net Monitor
18. *#0001# Display RS232 serial communication parameter setup.
19. *9266# Display received channel number and received intensity.
20. *#9998*377# atau *#0377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM).
21. *#9998*778# atau *#0778# SIM Service Table.
22. *#0837# Instruction Software.
23. *#0001# Show Serial Parameter.
24. *#9998*968# View Melody Alarm.
25. *#9998*585# Non Volatile Memory.
26. *#3243948# Digital Audio Interference off.
27. *#32436837# Digital Audio Interference.
28. *#9998*4357# Help Menu.
29. *#9998*5282# Java Menu.
30. *2767*5282# Java Reset.
31. *2767*927# WAP Reset.
32. *2767*63342# Reset Media.
33. *#9999#0# Monitor Mode.


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#0000# Mengembalikan ke bahasa default.
3. **05*PUK*newPIN*newPIN# Deblock PIN using PUK.
4. **052*PUK2*newPIN2*newPIN2# Deblock PIN2 using PUK2.
5. **04*old_PIN*new_PIN*new_PIN# Mengubah PIN.
6. **042*old_PIN2*new_PIN2*new_PIN2# Mengubah PIN2.
7. *31# Menyembunyikan nama/nomor telepon pada ponsel penerima (CLIR).
8. #31# Menonaktifkan CLIR.
9. *#31# Mengecek status CLIR.
10. *30# Menampilkan nama/nomor telepon pada ponsel penerima (CLIP).
11. #30# Menonaktifkan CLIP.
12. *#30# Mengecek status CLIP.
13. *43# Mengaktifkan Call Waiting/Call Hold.
14. #43## Menonaktifkan Call Waiting.
15. *#43# Mengecek status Call Wating.
16. *#0001# lalu tekan tombol hijau (Call) Mengubah bahasa menggunakan kode. Angka 0001 adalah kode untuk bahasa inggris. Kode: 0030 (Yunani), 0031 (Belanda), 0032 (Perancis), 0034 (Spanyol), 0039 (Itali), 0049 (Jerman), 0090 (Turki).
17. *#0606# Shows if the phone is locked to any network (Use without SIM card).


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#0000# Mengembalikan ke bahasa default.
3. *#0001# lalu tekan tombol hijau (Call) Mengubah bahasa menggunakan kode. Angka 0001 adalah kode untuk bahasa inggris. Kode: 0030 (Yunani), 0031 (Belanda), 0032 (Perancis), 0034 (Spanyol), 0039 (Itali), 0049 (Jerman), 0090 (Turki)
4. *#9999# Mereset ke setingan awal (pabrikan).
5. *#300# Mengecek software.
6. *#301# Mengecek hardware.


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#07# Menampikan nomor IMEI dan versi software (LG 510).
3. *8375# Menampilkan versi software (LG B1200).
4. #PWR668 Test pabrikan (LG B1200).
5. 1945#5101# Simlock menu (LG B1200).
6. 2945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200)
7. 2945#*70001# Simlock menu (LG 7020,7010)


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. *#3353*# Mereset ponsel.
3. *#7337*# Mereset ponsel (Master reset), kartu SIM dicabut dulu..
4. *#337*# Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan EFR.
5. *#7693# Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan Sleep Mode. Aktifkan saja untuk menghemat konsumsi baterai ketika ponsel sedang tidak dipakai.
6. *#8463*# Menampilkan beberapa informasi Sleep Mode: Wake, Sleep Req., Sleep.
7. *#2286*# Mengaktifkan data baterai.
8. *#7948*# Mematikan ponsel.
9. *#7728*# Menampilkan RSAV.
10. *#7524*# Menampilkan KCGPRS.
11. *#7562*# Menampilkan SIM Phase.
12. *#7629*# Menampilkan POOL MAX.
13. *#7632*# Menampilkan Code Bugging dari sleep mode.
14. *#7733*# Menampilkan Cluster aktif.
15. *#7343*# Menampilkan kode Cluster.
16. *#7352*# Menampilkan registrasi software.
17. *#7763*# Menampilkan informasi produk.
18. *#7766*# Menampilkan versi produk.
19. *#7326*# Menampilkan pilihan aksesoris untuk vibrator.
20. *#7276*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Attach.
21. *#7287*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Attached.
22. *#7288*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Try Attached.
23. *#7271*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas 1
24. *#7274*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas 4.
25. *#7252*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas B.
26. *#7224*# Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas C.
27. *#7222*# Mengaktifkan CSD GSM Kelas C.
28. *#7762*# Melakukan seting SMS bearer GPRS.
29. *#8377*# Menampilkan versi software.
30. *#3377*# Menampilkan kondisi EEPROMP.
31. *#2254# Status Register.
32. *#2255# Active/Deactive “Debug Call”, when activated, make a call to a busy line an the phone will display some hex-codes on the display.
33. *#2558# The time in days, hours, and minutes you are connected to the net..
34. *#7489*# atau *#1234*# Security Code.
35. *#7378*# Name, Length, SIM Phase.
36. *#3333*# Blocking list.


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. **7370# Memformat ulang.


1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2. ###847# Reset full.
3. ###765*02# Memblokir panggilan masuk atau keluar (Add barring groups).
4. ###765*78# Menonaktifkan Barring groups.
5. ###765*05# Menonaktifkan/mengunci status network.
6. ###765*07# Mengaktifkan status network.
7. 000000* Net Monitor.


IMEI number : * # 0 6 #
Software version : * # 9 9 9 9 #
SIMcard serial number : * # 9 9 9 4 #
Information about battery status: * # 9 9 9 0 #
Selftest (only Dancall HP2731) : * # 9 9 9 7 #
Show version configuration : * # 9 9 9 8 #
Net Monitor : * # 9 9 9 3 #


IMEI number : * # 0 6 #
Dafault Language: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Net Monitor : * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 #


IMEI number : * # 0 6 #
Software version: # # 9 1 4 0 * 8 3 # 7 5 * 2 #


View IMEI : * # 06 # View IMEI
Default language English: * # 0044 # English
JDefault language Deutch: * # 0049 # Deutsch
NetMonitor1 activate : hold * enter 4329
NetMonitor2 activate : hold * enter 621342
Enter into M4 Test mode: hold * enter 5472
Show SW version : hold * enter 5806
Show HW version : hold * enter 5807
Show SW and HW version : hold * enter 936505
NS Lock Menu : hold * enter 476989
CP Lock Menu : hold * enter 482896
NS Lock Menu : hold * enter 574243
SP Lock Menu : hold * enter 967678
IMSI Lock Menu : hold * enter 362628
Lock net.level : hold * enter 787090
Lock net.level : hold * enter 787292
Shut Down : hold * enter 3926

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Troubleshoot, Tweaks and Fixes Registry Edits For Repair Windows XP

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

Booster Dengan FeedCat

Alternatip lagi nih Booster dengan Feedcat, lumayan buat ngenalin blogger kita biar lebih rame. Feedcat ini lebih simple setingannya dibanding dengan Feedburner, memang masih kalah dibanding Feedburners dalam segala hal tapi mengenai fungsi dan tujuannya sih sama kok. Tidak rugi untuk mencobanya, saya sudah pasang.

How to put the icon on your website :
  • firstly you need to be registered user
  • secondly you have to be logged in
  • select your already boosted feed or submit new one
  • in the feed management select "Website Icons" menu option
  • here you will find here the html/xml code to be inserted into your website

  • Booster Dengan FeedCat

    Defend Computer From Hacker and Virus

    The arrival of broadband Internet access has opened a new playground for hackers. "There is no software available on the network that makes it easy for hackers to probe thousands of hosts and, if file sharing is turned on, they will find you and commitment," said X - Force director Chris Rouland here talking about how to protect your computer from hackers let go! Stop using Internet Explorer and Firefox to make the change, it is more secure, easy and simple. If you have the ability to change our IP address, update regularly. A team will get a new IP address automatically when themachine boots after a restart. Some DSL accounts of their capacity. If your computer has a fixed IP, minimizeopportunities by hackers to shut down the computer when not in use. There are a variety of affodable software and hardware firewall solutions available for home computers and small business networks or Get Spybot Search and Destroy and AdAware SE and update it immediately Check with the manufacturer of your operating system patches and security bulletins issues.Download and install the system patches that are available An important part of any security plan is the installation of an up to date anti-virus software like Norton, Trend Micro PC-cillin, NOD 32, McAfee and Avast a system to protect against viruses and trojan is effective only if horses.This updates are installed on a regular basis basis.the makers of these products offer the ability to download updates of virus signatures to call over the Internet shut down file-sharing software on your computer's operating system.Your service The Internet may be able to provide information on how to manufacture this.your operating system, which may also help. If your computer has been hacked and specifically that can never be 100% sure that your system is no longer in danger and that starts with 11, to back up personal files on the infected system and format and reinstall Windows.

    Minggu, 30 November 2008

    Viral Link = Link Farm ?

    Viral Link = mata rantai karena virus, duh ada-ada saja ya ide bagus dari sohib blogger ini dalam tips untuk menaikkan traffic-nya. Ini pas saya baca di blogger sohib-sohib yang sudah berkompetisi dibidang tersebut yang mengacu pada viral-linking. Saya sih belum berani coba karena mengacu pada artikel saya tentang Link Farm, salah satu kutipan tentang Link-Farm sendiri dimana "Dengan indikasi link farm, pihak search engine / mesin pencari seperti Google dll akan dengan mudah menutup akses (banned) hasil pencariannya ke situs link farm tersebut”. Ini mengingat link farm sangat mudah untuk disalahgunakan sebagai upaya mendongkrak ranking suatu situs/blog secara brutal". Saya mohon maap sudah mengomentari tentang ide ini dan tidak bermaksud menggurui atau apa, ya mungkin ini cuman sebagai referensi buat saya pribadi yg mungkin belum berani bertaruh untuk di Banned Mbah-nya dan hilang dalam peredaran dalam sekejap HeHeHe. Jika memang sudah ciamik, gak salah juga saya akan mencobanya, cuman kawatir aja sama Mbah Buyut Google tentang Viral-Link ini. Mohon-maap juga buat sohib blogger yang sudah tagged dan belum dipasang. Semoga dengan tricks tersebut sangat bermanfaat dan justru tidak merugikan kita. Ditunggu perkembangan dalam sesi selanjutnya.........

    Kurang lebih perintah kode-nya seperti ini :

    {Start Copy Here}

    Rules :
    1. Copy paste from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}
    2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and PASS this tag to many of your friends
    3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs, the more the merrier.
    4. The use of NO FOLLOW on links is not allowed, Let's all be fair!
    5. Remember to come back here at JENNY TALKS (pls don't change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
    6. Spread the virus.. oooopps I mean the VIRAL LINKING and happy blogging!

    1. etc...

    {END Copy Here}

    Manual Registry Repair For Windows XP

    To use the Regedits : Save the REG file on your hard drive. Double click it and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by right-clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

    To use the files VBS : Download. Vbs file and save it to your hard drive (you may want to do right click and use Save Target As). Double click the vbs file. You will be prompted when the script is done.

    NOTE : If your anti-virus software that warns of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "security scripting" or similar enabled technology. These scripts are not malicious, but it does make changes to the system registry.

    Disable or Enable Registry Editing Tools .reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]


    Enable or Disable Screen Saver ( Save As To .vbs )

    Dim WSHShell, RegKey, ScreenSaver, Result
    Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    RegKey = "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\"
    ScreenSaver = WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Read (regkey & "ScreenSaveActive")
    If ScreenSaver = 1 Then 'Screen Saver is Enabled
    Result = MsgBox("Your screen saver is currently active." & _
    vbNewLine & "Would you like to disable it?", 36)
    If Result = 6 Then 'clicked yes
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write regkey & "ScreenSaveActive", 0
    End If
    Else 'Screen Saver is Disabled
    Result = MsgBox("Your screen saver is currently disabled." & _
    vbNewLine & "Would you like to enable it?", 36)
    If Result = 6 Then 'clicked yes
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write regkey & "ScreenSaveActive", 1
    End If
    End If

    Enable_DragDrop ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    Enable_Installer ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"


    Enable_Fix-exe-XP ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"






    @="\"%1\" %*"


    @="\"%1\" %*"






    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ShimLayer Property Page]

    Enable_Flash_IE ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Enable_Folder and Icon Refresh ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    Enable_FolderOptions ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    Enable_Right_Click ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





    Enable_Menu+Winlogin ( Save As To .inf )



    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Userinit,0, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe"
    HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"

    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableTaskMgr
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoFind
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoRun
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoFolderOptions
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoClose
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoDesktop
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoDrives
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache,C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogin.exe
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\run
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
    HKCU, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, services
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices, services
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce, services
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run, services
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFind
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoClose
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDesktop
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDrives
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoRun
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableRegistryTools
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, NoDiskCpl
    HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp, Disabled
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,Winlogon
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer,ShowSuperHidden
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\run
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\explorer,NoFind
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\explorer,NoRun
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System,DisableRegistryTools
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System,DisableTaskMgr
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, services
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx, services
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices, services
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce, services
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run, services
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, winlogon
    HKU, S-1-5-21-1177238915-412668190-839522115-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices,services
    HKU, S-1-5-21-1177238915-412668190-839522115-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce,services
    HKU, S-1-5-21-1177238915-412668190-839522115-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache,C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogin.exe
    HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\run
    HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools

    Enable_MenuSearch ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Enable_MyComputer ( Save As To .vbs )

    Message = "To work correctly, the script will close" & vbCR
    Message = Message & "and restart the Windows Explorer shell." & vbCR
    Message = Message & "This will not harm your system." & vbCR & vbCR
    Message = Message & "Continue?"
    X = MsgBox(Message, vbYesNo, "Notice")
    If X = 6 Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, t, errnum, vers
    Dim itemtype
    Dim enab, disab, jobfunc
    Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\NonEnum\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"
    itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
    enab = "ENABLED"
    disab = "DISABLED"
    jobfunc = "The My Computer icon is now "
    t = "Confirmation"
    n = WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Read (p)
    errnum = Err.Number
    if errnum <> 0 then
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, 0, itemtype
    End If
    If n = 0 Then
    n = 1
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, n, itemtype
    Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & disab & vbCR, 4096, t)
    ElseIf n = 1 then
    n = 0
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, n, itemtype
    Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & enab & vbCR, 4096, t)
    End If
    Set WshShell = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:"). _
    ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Process where name='explorer.exe'")
    MsgBox "Finished." & vbcr & vbcr , 4096, "Done"
    MsgBox "No changes were made to your system." & vbcr & vbcr, 4096, "User Cancelled"
    End If

    Enable_SaveMode ( Save As To .inf )



    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
    HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
    HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\vgasave.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\vga.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\tdtcp.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\tdpipe.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\sr.sys,,,FSFilter System Recovery
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\sermouse.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\rdpwd.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\rdpdd.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\rdpcdd.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\dmiot.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\dmboot.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\vgasave.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\vga.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\sr.sys,,,FSFilter System Recovery
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\sermouse.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\dmload.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\dmio.sys,,,Driver
    HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\dmboot.sys,,,Driver

    Enable_Scroll_Program ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    Enable_Search ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Enable_StartMenu ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    Enable_TaskMgr-1 ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Enable_TaskMgr-2 ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    Enable_USB_PortFix ( Save As To .reg )

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "DisplayName"="USB Mass Storage Driver"



    Enable+Disable Show Hidden Files-Folders ( Save As To .vbs )

    Message = "To work correctly, the script will close" & vbCR
    Message = Message & "and restart the Windows Explorer shell." & vbCR
    Message = Message & "This will not harm your system." & vbCR & vbCR
    Message = Message & "Continue?"
    X = MsgBox(Message, vbYesNo, "Notice")
    If X = 6 Then
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim WSHShell, n, p, itemtype, MyBox
    Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden"
    itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
    n = WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Read (p)
    errnum = Err.Number
    if errnum <> 1 then
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, 2, itemtype
    End If
    If n = 2 Then
    WshShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, 1, itemtype
    MyBox = MsgBox("Show Hidden Files and Folders are now ENABLED", 64, "Hidden Files and Folders")
    End If
    If n = 1 Then
    WshShell ( Save As To .reg )write p, 2, itemtype
    MyBox = MsgBox("Show Hidden Files and Folders are now DISABLED", 64, "Hidden Files and Folders")
    End If
    Set WshShell = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:"). _
    ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Process where name='explorer.exe'")
    MsgBox "Finished." & vbcr & vbcr , 4096, "Done"
    MsgBox "No changes were made to your system." & vbcr & vbcr, 4096, "User Cancelled"
    End If

    Enable+Disable_WellcomeScreen ( Save As To .vbs )

    Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, p1, t, cn, Caption, itemtype, errnum
    Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    p = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList\Administrator"
    itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
    t= "Choose Accordingly"
    On Error Resume Next
    n = ws ( Save As To .reg )Read(p)
    errnum = Err.Number
    If errnum <> 0 then
    n = 0
    End If
    Caption = "1 = Show Administrator on Destop, 0 = Don't Show Administrator on Desktop"
    On Error Goto 0
    cn = InputBox(Caption, t, n)
    If cn <> "" Then
    WSHShell ( Save As To .reg )Write p, cn, itemtype
    End If
    If cn <>"" Then
    MyBox = MsgBox("You must Log Off/Log On for the changes to take effect.", vbOKOnly,"Done")
    End If
    VisitKelly's Korner
    Sub VisitKelly's Korner
    If MsgBox("This script came from the Tweaks Section of Kelly's Korner" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Would you like to visit Kelly's Web Site now?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton, "Visit Kelly's Korner") =6 Then
    wshshell.Run ""
    End If
    End Sub

    Rabu, 26 November 2008

    Easy To Remove Virus From PC

    Identify the name of the virus. I usually use systeminternals the manager know the name of the virus. if they can not even access the software then tell me what the virus is doing with your PC then i will help you determine your name. Killing the running process of the virus on your PC ... For example, if the virus is running under iph.exe process then kill the task. Remove the virus back up your hard drive to WipEout potential future threats. Redesign of the previous damage done by the virus as mission-manager with disabilities, autoruns virus, and so on.
    First open the notebook, then type the following, as I have done everything possible to kill the virus process running in the background.


    Remove possible virus backups from the hard disk. Here is the piece of code that I used.

    DEL "%WINDIR%\SXS.EXE" /F /Q /S /A H R S A
    DEL "%WINDIR%\RUN.WSH" /F /Q /S /A H R S A
    DEL "%WINDIR%\FUN.EXE" /F /Q /S /A H R S A
    DEL "%WINDIR%\SYS.VBS" /F /Q /S /A H R S A

    Now we're going to repair the row that the virus had damaged.

    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v Userinit /f /d "%windir%\system32\userinit.exe",
    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v Shell /f /d "explorer.exe"
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /t Reg_Binary /v NoDriveAutoRun /f /d ffffff03
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /t Reg_dword /v NoDriveTypeAutoRun /f /d 36
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /t Reg_dword /v NoFolderOptions /f /d 0
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /t Reg_dword /v DisbleRegistryTools /f /d 0
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /t Reg_dword /v DisableTaskMgr /f /d 0

    Remove Antivirus 2009

    Antivirus 2009 is a new rogue anti-spyware program. It is also a clone of Antivirus 2008 - also a rogue, and that one of the clones produced more than any other recently. The list of these clones is long: System Antivirus 2008 Antivirus end of 2008, Vista Antivirus 2008, XP Antivirus 2008 etc. Like any of his predecessors, Trojans Antivirus2009 uses, such as Zlob or Vundo, to the spread. These Trojans lurking in the porn / warez sites disguised as video codecs and, upon entering the system, flooding the user with pop-ups and false notification system, presumably to inform him of an infection. While the system at hand can be infected, Antivirus 2009 to inform the user of this regardless of whether it is true or not. The point of this disinformation is to convince the user who is infected and therefore need an antispyware program to dispose of the threat. The user can click on one of the pop-ups or notifications, all of which assert that it will lead to a legitimate security tool, but try to buy him Antivirus2009 the "authorized version" instead. Antivirus2009 can redirect browser to,,,,,,,, and Web sites that sell malware. Some of these website are not only fraudulent, but are also malicious. are able to install new malware. Antivirus 2009 is a scam and should be treated as such: Do not download or buy and block Web sites is through your HOSTS file. Download Remove For Antivirus 2009 or here.

    Kill processes :


    Delete registry values:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run\15358943642955870504508370025739
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\”Antivirus” = “%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus 2009\Antvrs.exe”

    Delete files :


    Senin, 24 November 2008

    Free Google Monitor for Blogger

    Free Monitor for Google is free web promotion software designed for search engine specialists and webmasters. With it, you can find the position of your site in Google Top for popular keywords and get more traffic to Google. Google Monitor will query Google and show the position of your site by your target keywords and also how well your competitors are doing. Keeps statistics on several URLs and several lists of keywords. You can add notes. Google is the most popular search engine. Monitor Google with our free software. Google Monitor is easy-to-use software. Please follow the steps below in order to quickly check your rankings :

    1. Click the "Add URL" button.
    2. Type the URL of your site. Hint : you may omit http:// part of the URL. Click "OK".
    3. Click the "Keywords" button.
    4. Enter all keywords you are interested in one by one. Click "OK".
    5. Click the "Search" button and wait until the process is over.

    That's it! Now you can see the position of your site on Google for different keywords on the left side of the window and you can see all their competitors by the keyword selected on the right side of the window.
    Note: by default, Free Monitor for Google controls only the first 10 results. If you need more, please, open the Preferences window and increasing that value.

    Current version : 2.4 Feb 27, 2008
    Operating system : Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
    Size : 1.45 Mb
    Download Now

    Increasing The Speed of The Hard Disk

    To speed up the hard disk speed we need to set up a special buffer in computer memory to enable it to better address interruptions from the disc. This tip is only recommended if you have 256 MB of RAM or higher.

    Follow this steps :
    1. Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the Run command.
    2. Expand the system.ini file window.
    3. Scroll down almost to the end of the file till you find a line called [386enh].
    4. Press Enter to make one blank line, and in that line type Irq14=4096

    Note: This line IS CASE SENSITIVE. Click on the File menu, then choose Save. Close SYSEDIT and reboot your computer. Done. Speed improvement will be noticed after the computer reboots.

    Tips Convert To Basic and Dynamic Disks on Microsoft Windows XP

    Windows XP Professional supports two types of disk storage : basic and Dynamic. Basic disk storage uses partition-oriented disks. A base disk contains basic volumes (primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives). Dynamic disk storage uses volume-oriented disks, and includes features that basic disks do not, such as the ability to create volumes that span multiple disks (and spanned volumes).

    General Notes
    Before you change a basic disk to a dynamic disk, keep in mind these points :

    Must be at least 1 megabyte (MB. of free space on any master Boot Record (MBR. disk that you want to convert. This space is automatically reserved when the partition or volume is created in Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. However, it may not will be available on partitions or volumes that are created in other operating systems. When converting to a dynamic disk, the existing partitions or logical units in the basic disk become simple volumes in the dynamic disk.

    After converting to a dynamic disk, the dynamic volumes can not be changed back to partitions. First, you must delete all dynamic volumes on the disk and then convert the dynamic disk back to a basic disk. If you want to keep your data, you must first make a backup copy or move data another volume.

    After converting to a dynamic disk, local access to the dynamic disk is limited to Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000.

    If your disk contains multiple installations of Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000, not to convert a dynamic disk. The conversion operation removes the entries for the partition of all the partitions the disc with the exception of the system and boot volumes for the current operating system.

    Dynamic disks are not supported on portable computers or Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.

    Before you change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk, note that all existing volumes must be deleted from the disk before you can convert return to a basic disk. If you want to keep your data, back up the data, or move your data to another volume.

    How to Convert a Basic Disk to a Dynamic Disk

    To convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk:

    1. Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
    2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    3. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
    4. In the left pane, click Disk Management.
    5. In the lower-right pane, right-click the basic disk that you want to convert, and then click Convert to Dynamic Disk.

    NOTE : You must right-click the gray area that contains the disk title on the left side of the Details pane. For example, right-click Disk 0.

    6. Select the check box that is next to the disk that you want to convert (if it is not already selected., and then clickOK.
    7. Click Details if you want to view the list of volumes in the disk.

    Cool Click Convert.

    8. Click Yes when you are prompted to convert, and then click OK.

    How to Convert a Dynamic Disk to a Basic Disk

    To change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk:

    1. Back up all the data on all the volumes on the disk you want to convert to a basic disk.
    2. Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
    3. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    4. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
    5. In the left pane, click Disk Management.
    6. Right-click a volume on the dynamic disk that you want to change to a basic disk, and then click Delete Volume.
    7. Click Yes when you are prompted to delete the volume.

    Cool Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each volume on the dynamic disk.

    8. After you have deleted all the volumes on the dynamic disk, right-click the dynamic disk that you want to change to a basic disk, and then click Convert to Basic Disk.

    NOTE:You must right-click the gray area that contains the disk title on the left side of the Details pane. For example, right-click Disk 1

    Minggu, 23 November 2008

    Check With iWEBTOOL

    Google PageRank Prediction
    Enter your domain name below:

    PageRank Checker
    Enter your domain name below:

    Multi-Rank Checker
    Enter your domain name below:

    Backlink Checker
    Enter your domain name below:

    Rank Checker
    Enter your domain name below:

    Link Popularity
    Enter your domain name below:

    PageRank Button
    Copy Paste For Blogger

    <a href=""
    target="_blank"><img alt="PageRank Button" src="" border="0"></a>

    Kamis, 20 November 2008

    Website Speed Test Tool

    How capacities of rest a server website and speed of your website Herewith we can management and control our site. So that can avoid problems concerning capacities and speed which have and will be used.

    Website Speed Test : Enter each address on a new line (Maximum 10)


    Google Crome Browser

    Keunggulan Chrome adalah Manajemen Memory Chrome nya memiliki manajemen memory yang jauh lebih baik dan stabil dari pada browser lain. Setiap satu tab yang dibuka pada chrome sebenarnya adalah satu aplikasi chrome itu sendiri tidak seperti browser lain yang menganggap bahwa semua tab yang dibuka pada satu aplikasi browser adalah satu aplikasi. Manfaat manajemen memory itu sendiri bagi yang rutin browsing menggunakan browser lain, mungkin anda pernah mengalami Crashed ketika membuka banyak tab pada browser tersebut. Ini dikarenakan semua tab berbagi alokasi memory yang sama, sehingga apabila ada salah satu tab yang crash, maka semua tab juga akan ikut ter imbas pula. Hal seperti itu tidak akan terjadi pada Google Chrome. Spesifikasi Komputer harus kompatibel For Windows Vista/XP SP2. Bisa diunduh langsung disini.

    Rabu, 19 November 2008

    Tips Membuat Related Post Artikel Blogger

    Wis-wis sekarang mau nyoba pasang Related Post ahh.. Fungsinya yaitu menampilkan semua Artikel berdasar Label/Katagori yang telah kita golongkan pada tempatnya masing-masing. Pasti bingung deh sing baca penjelasanku, aku aja juga bingung menjelaskannya kok HaHaHa. Contohnya seperti dibawah posting ini itupun klo belum saya hapus, bocorannya sih lumayan buat blogger kita agak berat dikit loading, HeHeHe.

    Langsung langkahnya sbb :
    1. Login blogger
    2. Layout + Edit HTML + backup dahulu + Expand Widget Templates
    3. Download file RelatedPost.txt ini
    4. Cari kode --> <data:post.body/>, kemudian copy paste isi RelatedPost.txt dibawahnya :

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div class='similiar'>

    4. Save Template

    PR Awards

    Mumpung ada sedikit waktu luang demi menyisipkan coretan-coretan PR Award dari Sobat-sobat Blogger tercinta nih. Semoga dengan adanya hubungan kerja sama seperti ini, kita dapat mempererat tali silahturahmi antar sesama blogger indonesia tercinta. Aku sangat berterima kasih sekali atas kehormatan sobat semuanya yang telah men-saudarakan Wong Elek Suroboyo ini menjadi salah satu keluarga anda HeHeHe. Hanya ALLAH yang bisa membalas amal kebaikan kita semua, Amien. Wokeh lah, ini dikutip dari artikel terdahulu tentang Menjalin Persahabatan dengan Award ( Update ).

    PR Award 1 :

    Nah akhirnya dapet kerjaan extra nih dari om bloggeraddicter nih setelah habis lebaran blog ini langsung dapet PR-3, ya dengan sangat ekstra aku harus membongkar my top secret HeHeHe. Ya ada suka dan duka dari award yang diberikan si-om nih, abis gimana first love ntuh yg pertama kali aku kasih ama mantan bone pink panda HueHueHue... dan gak jodoh pula masih terpajang di kamar si-dia Hik. Oke deh sekarang mau ga mau harus buka-bukaan neh, dari mana dulu yaaaa.....

    Gambare Wong Paling Elek sedunia

    1. Identitas saya :

    Nama : Setiawan
    Alamat : Seputaran Wonokromo - Surabaya - Indonesia
    No. Telp : Wah ntar dulu ya... takut banyak fans gelap HiHiHi
    Tempat Lahir : Surabaya so pastinya ( Bonek )
    Umur : RHS dulu (takut dikiri udah tua ntar..HeHeHe)
    Tinggi : 170 cm (pendek tapi..rasanya bung...XiXiXi)
    Berat : 65 Kg
    Kulit : Kata temen-tem sih Item manizz kaya kereta api.. HeHeHe...
    Rambut : Posisi sekarang sih lg pengen plontos.
    Warga Negara : Indonesia
    Domisili : Indonesia
    Sekolah : STIKOM Surabaya - S1/Teknik Komputer, Mau menyelesaikan S-2/Elektro dan Rencana S-3
    Pekerjaan : PNS ( Bidang PU - Konstruksi )

    2. Nyontoh si-om aja deh HeHeHe. Sebenarnya blog ini yang versi kedua, gara-gara yang pertama kena kartu merah ama om google karena suatu sebab, ya jadi-nya males ngembangin dan timbul ide ini.

    3. Hobi :
    - Pecinta Alam ( HIMAPASTI, Tim SAR JATIM), Pendakian
    - Otomotif
    - Traveling
    - Software dan Hardware
    - Baca buku tentang gaib
    - Musik Pop-Dangdut-Keroncong-Campursari-Rock, dll.
    - Meditasi
    - Kesehatan ( terapi akupunturis & refleksi )
    - Untuk Blogging sih baru-baru aja kenal 2008.

    4. Tujuan nge-blog sih cuman pengen berbagi / share unek2 dan ide aja + ads. google ( ya mungkin disini juga ada rejeki dari ALLAH SWT Amien ). Yang lebih utama sih mencari persahabatan, persaudaraan dan sapa tahu ada yang nyantol HeHeHeHeHe.

    5. Mungkin ada yang mau kenal ama aku boleh silahkan yang berdomisili di surabaya, bisa kontak aja via email-ku, ntar aku ajak jalan-jalan traktir maem dll deh HeHeHe. Sementara gitu dulu deh, bingung mau nulis apa lagi, abis bukan penyair sih XiXiXi.....
    Untuk yang akan mendapatkan award dari aku meskipun ndak berkenan di hati mohon diterina dengan ikhlas dan lapangan hati ya dan yang belum dapet mohon ditunggu dan sabar ya, pasti akan dapet deh.... ( Tunggu UPDATE terbaru penerima awards-nya ). Tak lupa aku ucapkan terimakasih banyak pada sohib-sohib yang telah mendukung keberadaan blog ini.

    PR Award 2 :

    Mengerjakan PR tentang bahasa inglid dari om Harry Ciamis, ternyata wacananya asik juga klo gak salah tentang sesuatu arti kandungan nama kita, yen gak salah HeHeHe. Dan berikut ini PR dari kota ciamis.

    You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
    Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
    Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
    You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
    You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
    At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
    You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
    You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
    You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
    You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
    You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
    You have the classic “Type A” personality.
    You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
    You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
    You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!
    You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
    You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
    You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
    You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
    You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
    You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
    You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
    You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
    You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.
    You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
    You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
    At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

    PR Award 3 :

    Saya terima Tag Persahabatan dari Tante Lyla untuk mempererat tali silahturahmi.. Hik..Hik..Hik.. sampai mau nangis, habisnya pas ngetik PR ini disebelah lagi mengubas bawang bombay HeHeHe.

    1. Menjalin Persahabatan dengan Award ( Update )
    2. Anugerah Terindah dari Para Sahabat

    Anugerah Terindah dari Para Sahabat

    Just Share Tips and Tricks
    " Best Award Arek Suroboyo Buat Sohib-sohib Tercinta "

    Suatu kehormatan bagi saya, bagi sobat-sobat yang telah sudi mampir di blogger ini, saya persilahkan mengambil Tag Award "Best Award Arek Suroboyo" diatas, dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk memperpanjang tali Silahturahmi.

    Award 1 : dari Om Bloggeraddicter

    Just Tips and Tricks
    Award 2 : dari Om Harry Ciamis

    Award 3 : dari Tante Lyla

    1. Menjalin Persahabatan dengan Award
    2. PR Awards

    Selasa, 18 November 2008

    Tip Mengganti Standar Cursor Menjadi Cursor Animasi Pada Blogger

    Melengkapi lagi nih tentang cara mengganti icon cursor standar diganti dengan cursor-animasi/cursor bergerak seperti pada desktop komputer, tapi yang ini diaplikasikan pada blogger. Animasi cursor dapat diperoleh gratis contohnya di free cursor animated.

    Langkahnya :
    1. Login Blogger
    2. Layout + Edit HTML
    3. Kemudian cari --> body {
    4. Lalu taruh kode berikut :

    body {
    background: $bgColor;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: $textColor;
    font-size/* */:/**/small;
    font-size: /**/small;

    cursor: url("http://Alamat kursor animasi anda");

    5. Untuk alterntif ke-2, pastekan kode ini dibawahnya kode --> <body>

    <body style='CURSOR: url("http://Alamat kursor animasi anda")'>

    6. Save template

    Sabtu, 15 November 2008

    Tips Membuat Blog Reaction Disetiap Posting Artikel Blogger

    Sekarang cara menempatkan atau membuat Blog Reaction Technorati bisa ditempatkan dibawah disetiap Posting Artikel. Disini kita dapat kodenya pada Web-Technorati, akan tetapi ada perubahan sedikit pada scriptnya dan blog reactions tersebut akan saya tempatkan tepat disamping Posted by dan sebenarnya bisa ditempatkan dimana saja asal tujuan utama adalah dilingkupnya suatu artikel kita.

    Tips Membuat Blog Reaction Disetiap Posting Artikel Blogger

    Caranya :
    1. Login blogger
    2. Layout + Edit HTML + centang Expand Widget
    3. Cari kode ini --> <p><data:post.body/>
    4. Setelah ketemu, turun kebawah sedikit sampai ketemu kode sbb :

    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
    <span class='post-author'>
    <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
    <data:top.authorLabel/> <>

    5. Setelah ketemu lalu sisipkan kode diantara :

    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
    <span class='post-author'>
    <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
    <data:top.authorLabel/> <>

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url'
    rel='linkcount'>View blog reactions</a>


    6. Save Template + Selamat mencoba

    Tips Membuat Page Menu Widget Navigasi Pada Blogger

    Membuat Page Menu Widget Navigasi yaitu suatu arahan/penunjuk halaman selanjutnya/sebelumnya yang biasanya terletak dibawah posting artikel blogger. Sehingga kita dan pengunjung yang malas membuka atau meng-klik arahan katogori/label dapat secara langsung menunjuk Navigasi halaman tertentu yang diinginkan secara cepat. Ini aku dapet dari dimana dalam penerapannya hanya copy-paste kode tersebut kedalam HTML/Java Script dan saya edit sedikit. Tanpa panjang lebar bagi yang belum tahu dan terserah mau dimodifikasi model apa HeHeHe... Untuk contohnya bisa anda lihat dibawah posting artikel saya, tapi disini saya hanya menampilkan judulnya saja tanpa ada isinya dan jika diklik maka isinya akan keluar.

    1. Login Blogger
    2. Layout + Page Elements + Add HTML/Java Script
    3. Copy paste kode dibawah ini

    .showpageArea {padding: 0 2px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;
    .showpageArea a {border: 1px solid #505050;
    color: #000000;font-weight:normal;
    padding: 3px 6px !important;
    padding: 1px 4px ;margin:0px 4px;
    text-decoration: none;
    .showpageArea a:hover {
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    .showpageNum a {border: 1px solid #505050;
    color: #000000;font-weight:normal;
    padding: 3px 6px !important;
    padding: 1px 4px ;margin:0px 4px;
    text-decoration: none;
    .showpageNum a:hover {
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    .showpagePoint {font-size:11px;
    padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
    margin: 2px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #000000;
    .showpage a:hover {font-size:11px;
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    .showpageNum a:link, .showpage a:link {
    padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
    margin: 2px;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: 1px solid #0066cc;
    color: #0066cc;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;}
    .showpageNum a:hover {font-size:11px;
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function showpageCount(json) {
    var thisUrl = location.href;
    var htmlMap = new Array();
    var isFirstPage =
    var isLablePage = thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")!=-1;
    var isPage = thisUrl.indexOf("/search?updated")!=-1;
    var thisLable = isLablePage ?
    thisUrl.substr(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")+14,thisUrl.length) : "";
    thisLable = thisLable.indexOf("?")!=-1 ?
    thisLable.substr(0,thisLable.indexOf("?")) : thisLable;
    var thisNum = 1;
    var postNum=1;
    var itemCount = 0;
    var fFlag = 0;
    var eFlag = 0;
    var html= '';
    var upPageHtml ='';
    var downPageHtml ='';
    var pageCount=5;
    var displayPageNum=3;
    var firstPageWord = 'First';
    var endPageWord = 'Last';
    var upPageWord ='Previous';
    var downPageWord ='Next';
    var labelHtml = '<span class="showpageNum"><a
    for(var i=0, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i++) {
    var timestamp = post.published.$t.substr(0,10);
    var title = post.title.$t;
    for(var c=0, post_category; post_category = post.category[c]; c++) {
    if(itemCount==0 || (itemCount % pageCount ==(pageCount-1))){
    if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
    thisNum = postNum;
    htmlMap[htmlMap.length] =
    }//end if(post.category){
    if(itemCount==0 || (itemCount % pageCount ==(pageCount-1))){
    if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
    thisNum = postNum;
    if(title!='') postNum++;
    htmlMap[htmlMap.length] =
    for(var p =0;p< htmlMap.length;p++){
    if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
    if(fFlag ==0 && p == thisNum-2){
    upPageHtml = labelHtml + upPageWord +'</a></span>';
    upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="/">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';
    upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ upPageWord
    html += '&nbsp;<span class="showpagePoint"><u>'+thisNum+'</u></span>';
    html = labelHtml+'1</a></span>';
    html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="/">1</a></span>';
    html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ (p+1) +'
    if(eFlag ==0 && p == thisNum){
    downPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"> <a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ downPageWord
    }//end if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
    }//end for(var p =0;p< htmlMap.length;p++){
    html = '<span class="showpage"><a href="/">'+ firstPageWord +'
    </a></span>'+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
    html = ''+labelHtml + firstPageWord +' </a></span>'+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
    html = '<div class="showpageArea"><span style="font-size:11px;padding: 2px 4px
    2px 4px;margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px;color: #000000;border: 1px solid #333;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;" class="showpage">Page '+thisNum+' of
    '+(postNum-1)+': </span>'+html;
    html += downPageHtml;
    html += '<span class="showpage"><a href="'+htmlMap[htmlMap.length-1]+'">
    if(postNum==1) postNum++;
    html += '</div>';
    if(isPage || isFirstPage || isLablePage){
    var pageArea = document.getElementsByName("pageArea");
    var blogPager = document.getElementById("blog-pager");
    if(postNum <= 2){
    html ='';
    for(var p =0;p< pageArea.length;p++){
    pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;
    html ='';
    blogPager.innerHTML = html;

    <a href="">Grab this Widget</a></div>

    4. Tempatkan widget tepat dibawah Posting
    5. Sava & Lihat hasilnya

    Kamis, 13 November 2008

    Tips Menterjemahkan Blogger Dengan Google Site Translate

    Nah sekarang pengen nampilkan blogger kita dalam translate multi language / terjemahan multi bahasa. Jadinya blog kita bisa diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa yang diinginkan oleh pengunjung lain yang beda bahasa. Disini tidak jauh-jauh saya menggunakan fasilitas mbah google yang fasilitas ini dapat dinikmati dan diundah di google translate yang mana setingan default-nya dapat kita sesuaikan dengan keinginan kita. Copy paste kode dibawah kedalam Layout + Page Elements + HTML/Java Scripts.

    <script src=""></script>